"The God Who Weeps" blog reviews
October 25, 2012
Various blogs are discussing this new book from Terryl and Fiona Givens: The God Who Weeps has been hailed as one of “most welcome serious theological engagement with some of the more resonant ideas Mormonism has promulgated in its 180 year history.”
Other blog reactions:
“…I will just say that this is the single best book of Mormon Studies that I have ever read” – Julie M. Smith at Times and Seasons
“We are obliged to seek knowledge from whatever source is available, and that very act of searching is a Godly practice. The Givenses demonstrate the potential of such an intellectual journey, and their depiction of Mormonism is all the richer because of it. Mormonism, then, is not meant to impose boundaries; rather, it lifts them.” – Ben Park at By Common Consent
“I agree with The God Who Weeps that faith is a decision, but I disagree about the site of this decision.” – Adam S. Miller at Times and Seasons
“That the world is inherently uncertain is, as the Givens point out, part of the fundamental structure of the vast mysterious universe.” – Jacob Baker at By Common Consent
And Terryl Givens explains to Jana Riess: “People who’ve seen this say it’s a wonderful vision of the gospel, but ‘it’s not the one I was taught in seminary.’ And I say, ‘But it should be the one you were taught in seminary, because it takes us back to Joseph Smith’s original vision.'”