Victor B. Cline

VICTOR B. CLINE, a former member of Dialgoue's Board of Editors, has pub￾lished studies on the effects of television violence and pornography on human behavior.


Failure in the Home

A few days ago I was chatting with a good friend, a psychotherapist of rather remarkable competence and ability. This man, a very active and deeply committed Mormon, has been especially effective in working with…

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The Faith of a Psychologist: A Personal Document

In 1933 James Leuba[1] conducted a survey of the beliefs in deity held by scientific and professional men. He found that only ten per cent of the psychologists surveyed admitted to a belief in God.…

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Mormons and Infidelity

In Masters’ and Johnson’s recent book Human Sexual Inadequacy, I ran across some startling information that made a whole group of other data collected accidentally and incidentally over a period of ten years suddenly coalesce…

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Wives Take Over

Since previously exposing myself in a sometimes quite personal way in this column I have had the heady and maybe trying experience of having some readers wishing to engage in a dialogue with me via…

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On Women

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Acting Under Orders | Stanley Milgram, Obedience to Authority: An Experimental View

What do we do when we have agreed to participate in an experiment under the auspices of a prestigious university (and are getting paid for it) and we are asked to do something objectionable? The…

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