

A Child’s Christmas in Utah

It isn’t that way now. The quiet fields are broken into building lots and the farmers build jet engines in the city and garden with a roto-tiller after work. The old canal is lined with concrete and in the center of the town the Saturday and-sun-drenched baseball diamond has shrunk to softball under lights, and the county has built a tennis court just off third base for a game the kids are beginning to learn to play in white shoes. 

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Editor's Note

Personal Voices


The Year of the Famine

When the iron works was shutting down 
and you couldn’t buy a sack of flour 
in Cedar Valley at any price 
(grasshoppers we had—but no gulls), 
the Lord sent mushrooms. 

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Nellie Unthank

aged ten, 
walked, starved, froze 
with the Martin Company 
and left her parents in shallow graves 
near the Sweet water. 

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The Reaping

                Reading is one thing—and metaphors 
                imitate life in literature only. 
Yet when birds flapped a curtain of chatter over a sky-scrap

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The common cripple to the south of Palmyra 
Dreamed God the Father, the Savior Son, 
And, though clerical tradition predetermine his doom,
Can never, never, never 
Search Kidd’s treasure again. 

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She eased herself into the bed beside him, 
His farmer’s heavy sleep 
Was lighter now with dawning near. 
At the creak of springs he stirred 

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There has been one and one only perfect moment 
when the awful machinations of chance completely and smoothly meshed,
            each part moving in single precision, 
when the intricate multiplicity of myriad circumstance, 

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The Princes of God

The darkness said tyranny! 
And poured inward, defining 
The breeding swirl of chaos 
For the scarabaeidae of time. 

The absence of light became 
My prayer of darkness, skeining 
And reining: 
                        I am that I am,

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