

Religious Accommodation in the Land of Racial Democracy

Dialogue 17.3 (Fall 1984): 23–34
Brazil, with a high concentration of African heritage, was a difficult place for the Church (because of the Church’s racial policy) to make headway among native members. Due to the high risk of Brazilians potentially having African ancestry, the Church came to the point where they eventually discouraged missionaries in Brazil from baptizing anyone who is known to have African ancestry.

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Book of Mormon Usage in Early LDS Theology

Dialogue 17.3 (Fall 1984): 37–75
As one step in that direction, this article explores Book of Mormon usage in the pre-Utah period (1830—46), and seeks answers to the following questions: Which passages from the Book of Mormon were cited and with what frequency? How were they understood?

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Much of a River

I guess it wasn’t really much of a river, only thirty feet wide or so where it had enough fall to ripple over the rocks. Except during the spring runoff. Then it filled and sometimes…

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Aunt Betsy

She was my great-aunt on my father’s side and I hated her. She was fat. I She used two long crochet hooks to tie her shoes. Everybody knew it. Unless, of course, I was around.…

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Personal Voices



