

You Are Not Alone: A Plea for Understanding the Homosexual Condition

Dialogue 26.3 (Fall 1993): 119–140
In fall 1993, TJ O’Brian wrote, “You are Not Alone: A Please for Understanding the Homosexual Condition.” O’Brian was a gay man and this esay addresses how church members should treat LGBT members. He points to Jan Stout’s article among other influential pieces that were beginning to soften LDS attitudes and change practices in the early 90s. But he also notes several examples of terrible things that LDS members were still saying and doing, not including an imfamous homophobic rant from Orson Scott Card in Sunstone magazine in 1990.

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Gifts of the Spirit

Brother Rice, the first counselor, says the bishop thinks the young people might be more responsive to someone who, oh, speaks a little more their language. Then he smiles, hands me the Sunday school manual,…

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Lancashire Saint Dies

John Henry Butters, well known millionaire and philanthropist, died today at the age of 84. Born in Manchester, England, in 1908, an emigrant to the Salt Lake Valley in 1926 where he opened his first meatpacking plant in 1938. He wanders the back alleys of his childhood Mossed and decaying...

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