Volume 26, No. 3
Fall 1993
The Fall 1993 Issue explores various themes related to the LDS Church and its social dynamics. Irene M. Bates discusses the impact of patriarchal blessings and their role in establishing routine within the church. Omar M. Kader examines the relationship between free expression and Brigham Young University. Paul C. Richards questions whether paying tithing influences voting rights within BYU's governance. Sterling M. McMurrin reflects on the contributions of B. H. Roberts, while Brigham D. Madsen highlights Roberts's studies of the Book of Mormon. Samuel W. Taylor recounts the challenges faced by Lowry Nelson in relation to the church's teachings. Hannah Grover Hegsted and Julie Hemming Savage address the complexities of post-manifesto plural marriage. T. J. O'Brien offers a plea for understanding regarding the experiences of individuals identifying as homosexual. V. Stanley Benfell III presents insights in scriptural studies, and Brent Lee Metcalfe critiques apologetic and critical assumptions surrounding the faith. And much more!
Remembering B. H. Roberts
Sterling M. McMurrinIn my early years, I had occasional personal contact with B. H. Roberts. He was a friend of both of my grandfathers, and one of his daughters was married to my mother’s brother, with whose…
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You Are Not Alone: A Plea for Understanding the Homosexual Condition
T. J. OBrienDialogue 26.3 (Fall 1993): 119–140
In fall 1993, TJ O’Brian wrote, “You are Not Alone: A Please for Understanding the Homosexual Condition.” O’Brian was a gay man and this esay addresses how church members should treat LGBT members. He points to Jan Stout’s article among other influential pieces that were beginning to soften LDS attitudes and change practices in the early 90s. But he also notes several examples of terrible things that LDS members were still saying and doing, not including an imfamous homophobic rant from Orson Scott Card in Sunstone magazine in 1990.
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Apologetic and Critical Assumptions About Book of Mormon Historicity
Brent Lee MetcalfeDialogue 26.3 (Summer 1995):163–180
FOR TRADITION-MINDED MEMBERS of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints the Book of Mormon’s historicity is a given: Book of Mormon events actually occurred and its ancient participants existed in ancient history
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Gifts of the Spirit
Michael FillerupBrother Rice, the first counselor, says the bishop thinks the young people might be more responsive to someone who, oh, speaks a little more their language. Then he smiles, hands me the Sunday school manual,…
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Letters to the Editor
Intellectuals in Mormon History: An Update
Stan LarsonMore than twenty-four years ago, Leonard Arrington asked some fifty prominent Mormons to identify the most important intellectuals in Mormon history. He published his findings in the spring 1969 issue of Dialogue: A Journal of…
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The B.H. Roberts Papers at the University of Utah
Everett L. CooleyIn the spring 1969 issue of Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought appeared Leonard Arrington’s article, ‘The Intellectual Traditions of the Latter-day Saints,” based partly on a questionnaire he had sent to “50 prominent LDS…
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In Passing To Her Fathers
Warren HatchIn Saint George, Lena McCain had cancer.
She set her house in order.
In Las Vegas, the doctors went after the cancer with a knife,
got it, watched her closely.
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Mama and Daddy Standin’ By
Paul SwensonBest thing that ever happened
In church was when Martha
Got Nancy to sing “Summertime”
On Mother’s Day—
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For My Father, 1934-1990
Marni Asplund-CampbellHave you noticed, then, that sound moves
differently in fall—such falling
of leaves, a fall
from warmth and
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Derk KoldewynOne gunmetal day, late fall,
a fat shabby robin tired
of flying in her natural world,
desired to swoop across our couch,
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Lancashire Saint Dies
Rita BowlesHe wanders the back alleys of his childhood
Mossed and decaying bricks
Tower skyward to imprison him
Cobbles rise to thwart his escape
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Sole Makers
Russell MooreheadI wonder if I can still heal myself?
I’ve done it once before,
back when I cut my palm open
trying to be your blood brother.
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Day Dreams
Karen Marguerite MoloneyMan of her house, her rooms
Are haunted by dreams.
Leavened by cool morning light,
Loft become sanctum, he lolls
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Beginning the Trek | Richard E. Turley, Victims: The LDS Church and the Mark Hofmann Case
F. Ross PetersonThere is much to praise in the long awaited “inside” explanation of both why and how officials of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints responded to the forgery phenomena of Mark Hofmann. Utilizing…
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Unwrapping an Obstinate Enigma | The Essential Brigham Young with a Foreword by Eugene E. Campbell
Ronald W. WalkerWho was this man who so completely filled the Mormon and western stage for thirty years? President Brigham Young—or “Brother Brigham” to the familiar faithful—stirred the emotions of both saint and sinner, friend and foe. …
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A Memorable Tribute | Phyllis Barber, How I Got Cultured: A Nevada Memoir
Don J. McDermottHow I Got Cultured, Phyllis Barber’s memoir of her Mormon youth and adolescence in 1950s Nevada, has won accolades too numerous to mention. It has been warmly received in publications as mainstream and established as Publishers…
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