


I am, and probably always will be, a sisterhater. In fact, many church members are sisterhaters without even realizing it. A sisterhater is, sim ply put, someone who can’t abide sister missionaries.  As a sister…

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Junior Companion

Mormon missionaries in Taiwan weren’t hard to spot, not only because of those white shirts and name tags. First of all, they were usually of European descent, and those white faces became luridly conspicuous among…

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Eternal Love

Like many baby-boomers, philosopher Roger Scruton as a young man accepted the sexual standards of his generation, eschewing marriage in favor of “experiments” with less binding relationships. Scruton finally did marry when he found that his “experiment had turned into a commitment instead,” but the marriage lasted only a few years. Reflecting on his painful and all-too-common experience, Scruton wrote, “Our years of cohabitation had disenchanted our first love, while offering no second love in place of it.”

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Bodies, Babies, and Birth Control

Dialogue 36.3 (Fall 2003): 159–175
In this paper I will explore official and unofficial messages that theLDS church has sent to girls and women about childbearing during the twentieth century and the effect those messages have had on women’sreproductive choices.

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Plymouth Rock on the Mississippi

“So you’re considering a pilgrimage,” I wrote to someone I’d recently met and liked, “nothing would delight me more. You’d have some time away, you’d make new friends, get more deeply acquainted with familiar ones,…

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On Being a Mormon Woman

Last weekend, I traveled to California to attend the graduation of my youngest child and only daughter, Megan, from UC Berkeley. She graduated with honors in sociology, a true personal triumph for her. Also graduating…

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Sally Didn’t Sleep Here

“Sally snores,” says Ed, and I sink into my shoulders and smile uncomfortably at Gemma and Frank on the couch.  “I don’t snore,” I say defensively. “I don’t even sleep.”  “Ho,” answers Ed. He leans…

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Letters to the Editor

Personal Voices

Grandpa’s Visit

My husband’s parents, Grandma and Grandpa Hanks, live in Utah and come to visit our family in Michigan every summer. We all look forward to their visits, especially our children. Grandpa is pleasant and takes…

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I am part of the usual Gospel Doctrine “crowd,” and although I’m not one of those folks who can sleep upright in a metal chair, I have refrained from being an active participant in the…

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I wear her name 
and a two carat diamond 
which, like a heavy rock of salt, 
falls to the side between my fingers. 
I’m sitting on a pink velvet chair 

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The Mothers’ Antlers

The mothers have antlers of their own, the eldest 
Mother shall lead the rest, show them 
How to do with food first of all, house is next, 
And training young the last. The Mothers train 

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In the interval after the mastectomy 
before her head was a slick white egg, 
she would color the gray roots of her dark 
blanket-soft hair with drugstore dye. 

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You Owe Me

There’s a foul wind blowing in from ten o’clock
Saying, You owe me. I check my balance books,
And they don’t look off, but the wind insists,
You owe me. What? I ask. You abandoned me. 

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We Were Not Consulted

We couldn’t say 
            the yes that would loosen 
                        our grip, tutoring us 
            in doing without. 
Some things were simply snatched away. 

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My people were Mormon pioneers.
Is the blood still good? 
They stood in awe as truth 
Flew by like a dove 
And dropped a feather in the West.
Where truth flies you follow 
If you are a pioneer. 

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Almost Pentecostal

Mrs. Robinson sang in the choir. 
            In the church, my face, my husband’s, 
            and one other white couple on the stage. 

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