

What Does God Write in His Franklin Planner? The Paradoxes of Providence, Prophecy, and Petitionary Prayer

The doctrine of divine providence states that God is the supreme governor of the world—past, present, and future. Different versions of the doctrine depend on different interpretations of governance. The strongest version of this doctrine comes from the Calvinists who assert that each and every event in the history of the world is planned by God and happens only because God wills it, including anything that humans do.

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The Homecoming

Elder Jeff Lee Johnson came home on January 24 at 2:14 in the afternoon. The plane had made its way north all that day, stopping in Miami, then Atlanta before finally arriving six minutes ahead…

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Trusting Lilly

When I jumped that westbound train climbing north out of Fra ser, Colorado, I wasn’t intending to come back. Not for her. Not for anybody.  The soggy June fields between Tabernash and the pulp mills…

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Letters to the Editor

Personal Voices

Sexual Morality Revisited

It’s a boggy acre, surely. Is there any greater conundrum than human sexuality? Is there any aspect of our lives about which it is more difficult to generalize? Is there anything in our experience so…

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Why Mormons Should Celebrate Holy Week

Each spring the Christian world celebrates the most important week in history—Passion Week or Holy Week, the time between Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem and his atonement, death, and resurrection. Throughout the world the majority…

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What if the Resurrection were not pent 
for the vast reendowment of all flesh 
but occurred as if by chance, like birth 
(that miraculous appointment), and just 
as unnoticed. What if these were the terms?: 

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