

Letters to the Editor


The Church in Asia

As the only missions of the Church to major non-Christian cultures, the missions of Asia (with the exception of the Philippines, which is predominantly Catholic) are of special interest and present unique problems to those…

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Tea and Sympathy

When I say to you the Mormons must go, I speak the mind of the camp and country. They can leave without force or injury to themselves or their property, but I say to you,…

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Crucifixion in Judea

The myth and the reality convey the sign: 
INRI, but we in the distance of history, 
Precise and limitless, survey and then define 
His suffering again, for our consistory. 
We know in the analogues of formulative speech 
That Pretonious drove Him down against the cross 
And split His palms where they could reach. 
Crimen est actio before this miracle of dross. 

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For Our Consummate Passover

the sacrament is loosed; 
the trays go as a fleet of grace 
into our garnered sea 
of lap and hand, 
and this envoy, 
this ark of my covenant 
lilts over me: a gentle craft
riddled with remembrance 

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A Mormon Concept of Man

I Mormonism has often been described as the most completely indigenous of all the religions originating in America. The Mormon movement has been called the typical American religious movement. Mormons do not object to these…

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