

A Continuing Dialogue

Although it has been over five years since I received the first issue of Dialogue, I vividly remember the excitement with which I opened it and devoured it in one sitting. I suddenly felt a renewal of faith in myself and in my fellow saints. I discovered that there were Mormons who shared not only my concern for the life of the mind in the Church, but who also shared some of my deepest feelings about the life of the spirit in the world, who seemed unafraid to think, to explore, to question—and unembarrassed to fast, to pray, and to testify. 

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Tolstoy and Mormonism

Although Tolstoy is remembered today as a great novelist, short story writer and dramatist—the Russians consider him to be nearly as significant as Shakespeare in world literature—he would no doubt prefer to be re membered…

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A University’s Dilemma: B.Y.U. and Blacks

Dialogue 6.1 (Spring 1971): 31–36
Brian Walton, the BYU student body president in 1969-70 wrote this article to adress race issues head on. During BYU’s 1969-70 academic year, because of the church’s policy of denying blacks the priesthood and temple blessings, there were numerous protests at sporting events. In addition, several schools severed ties with BYU for a time.One of the ways that he was able to accomplish that was to bring in a fact finding mission from the Univeristy of Arizona to identify potential racism at BYU by interviewing students.

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The Manifesto Was a Victory!

Dialogue 6.1 (Spring 1971): 37–45
Thomasson argues that because the church did not give in to the federal government regarding Renyolds v United States, even though it might not look like it, he believes the Manifesto was a victory.

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Dale L. Morgan (1914-1971)

A descendant of Orson Pratt, Dale L. Morgan was blessed with the same keen intellect and inquisitive mind as his illustrious ancestor. And although Dale had an early and abiding interest in the church of…

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Personal Voices

Maturity For a New Era

This issue begins Dialogue’s sixth year of publication. It was, in fact, exactly six years ago that a group of us—some close friends, some mere acquaintances—committed ourselves to each other in a common venture, the…

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Carrying Water on Both Shoulders

A thoughtful Latter-day Saint who grows up in his faith and takes it seriously may encounter difficulties as he immerses himself in secular education, particularly on the graduate level, and more particularly if he is…

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Mormons and Infidelity

In Masters’ and Johnson’s recent book Human Sexual Inadequacy, I ran across some startling information that made a whole group of other data collected accidentally and incidentally over a period of ten years suddenly coalesce…

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The Ultimate Disgrace

After writing Family Kingdom, which was the story of my father and the great family of six wives and three dozen kids, I made a special effort to become acquainted with those of my brothers…

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Far Beyond the Half-Way Covenant

Puritanism began as a covenant theology. Those who held to its fundamental principles up into the seventeenth century, when it dominated men’s lives in Europe and especially in New England, believed that the foremost of…

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A Comforter

Still you come to me in the night 
Walking with bare feet whispering 
And still you force me to come round corners that could wait,
To face a minor premise I am avoiding. 

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The Comforter

The argument holds: 
the love of God is lonely as time 
and the lines of the world are drawn precise and clean:
nothing transcends the dark but the dark. 

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Winter Solstice

            The messages come early in the morning, 
by means of a dream 
(but young men have their visions), 
or struggle towards decision through a stream of indecisions, 
or real — or imagined — pain 

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Among the Mormons: A Survey of Current Literature

The bibliographical listing which follows includes books, pamphlets and reprints on Mormon topics, most of which were published in 1970. Because of the time lag between the last book bibliography printed in Volume 5, No. 1 and this issue the following bibliographical listing is longer than usual. We could have eliminated some of the ephemera but decided that this would detract from the value of our service. Rather than resort to paring the bibliography, the superfluous introduction has been minimized and concludes here. 

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