

Responses and Perspectives: The Mormon Cross

Dialogue 8.1 (Spring 1973): 78–86
Responding to Bush, Eugene England compared the story of Abraham which is uncomfortable for him calling it a cross, to the church wide policy of denying anyone who has black ancestry the priesthood and temple blessings which even though he is uncomfortable with it he does trust in continuing revelation by our prophet.

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Classic Articles


Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

Dear Brother Price,

In view of the message regarding Dialogue’s possible demise after this year, which we received with our last issue, it seemed appropriate to include some of my feelings along with our renewal. Although our financial situation doesn’t allow us to become Dialogue Associates, we are sending a gift sub scription and enclosing a token donation.

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Responses and Perspectives: The Mormon Cross

Dialogue 8.1 (Spring 1973): 78–86
Responding to Bush, Eugene England compared the story of Abraham which is uncomfortable for him calling it a cross, to the church wide policy of denying anyone who has black ancestry the priesthood and temple blessings which even though he is uncomfortable with it he does trust in continuing revelation by our prophet.

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