

A Dining Room Table

If the tapestry that is my intellectual and spiritual life, Eugene Eng land’s influence not only figures as a prominent color, but helps to shape the pattern of the weave itself. Many of the moments…

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Blessing the Chevrolet (vol. 9, no. 3, Fall 1975)

At various times I have heard and read, with mild curiosity, of the anointing of animals by the power of the priesthood in pioneer times, but it wasn’t until I found myself with my own hands placed in blessing on the hood of my Chevrolet that I really felt what that experience meant to those early Saints, who depended on their animals, as we do our cars, for quite crucial things. 

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History, Memory and Imagination in Virginia Eggertsen Sorensen’s Kingdom Come

Many years ago Virginia Sorensen wrote me a prophetic letter. She had just read my article, “Through Immigrant Eyes: Utah History at the Grass Roots.” She sounded breathless: “For years and years/’ she wrote, “I have believed—for what reason, I wonder, since I never really lived in the houses where the true tradition was but could only visit a while, and listen, and pause always by the gate where I could hear and see it?—that I was the one to tell this story you speak of. Almost I have heard The Call!”

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Eggertsen Men: Male Family Influences in Virginia Sorensen’s Kingdom Come and the Evening and the Morning

Much has been written about the heroines in Virginia Sorensen’s adult fiction, their real-life counterparts, and inspirations. By contrast, relatively little attention has been given to her male characters and the family figures on whom many were based. As a self-proclaimed family chronicler, Sorensen found in her male forbears, indeed all members of the Eggertsen family, a significant source of information and ideas for her fiction. 

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A Voice from the Land of Zion: Elder Erastus Snow in Denmark 1850 to 1852

A few years ago while visiting a used bookstore in the Old City (Gamla Stan) section of Stockholm, I asked the proprietor whether he had any materials about Mormons. He brought out a small and likely unique (3 1/2″ x 5 1/2″) 39-page pamphlet titled, “Om Mormonerne” (About the Mormons), by S. B. Hersleb Walnum, a “Prison Priest,” published in Bergen, Norway, in 1852.

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Classic Articles


Out of the Woods

Here they go, Carma without her cane—she’ll hang onto Dan if her legs give way—through the glass doors into the maze of parents and teenagers and little brothers and sisters, milling, waving, shrieking, whimpering.  “I…

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Letters to the Editor


Personal Voices

Gary Owen, My Darling

On June 25, 1876, George Armstrong Custer and five troops of the Seventh Cavalry met a combined force of Sioux and Cheyenne warriors near the Little Bighorn River in Eastern Montana. They were surrounded and…

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Critical Condition

for Gene England at Utah Valley Hospital, 2001 

When I heard about Gene’s surgery, I 
thought, “Even with half a brain he’d still
be ten times smarter than me!”

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Absently, I opened the medicine cabinet 
in my folks’ house (searching for a comb), 
then stood stunned as you wafted out 
like a genie, so generous with cologne 

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Two Trains and a Dream

I. October 8, 1908: A Train

Pulled out of Green River, Wyoming, heading 
West toward Salt Lake City. The Mormon prophet, 
Joseph F. Smith, was going home from a visit 
to Boston, with his traveling companion.

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The Handing

—for Beth Rich 

She was seventy-one, moving on. Her five-foot-two 
leukemia-lessened to eighty pounds, only 
her hands the same, large, fanned storehouse of comfort, her
vitaligo, the brown pattern of taking on 
the sun to map the journeys:

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Remembering the Chevrolet

            Gene’s criticism is a stone upon my mouth. He accused:
            “You resurrect words I like, like bodies brought too often
from the tomb to be surprising, interesting, new.” Like Clint, who
loved saying “portico,” and Gene himself: speaking all that religion 

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