A Tribute for Service Well Rendered
Molly BennionThe Bishop in Neal Chandler’s story “The Call” counsels a young man: “It’s not easy to be a real writer. . . .” How true, especially when you want, as did the bishop in Neal’s…
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Spring 2004
The Spring 2004 Issue addresses various aspects of peacebuilding within the context of Mormonism and its intersections with broader ideologies and historical movements. Patrick Q. Mason explores the potential for peacebuilding initiatives within the Latter-day Saint community, emphasizing the faith's teachings and principles that could foster reconciliation and understanding. Marc A. Schindler critiques the concept of empire from a unique perspective, drawing insights from "America's Attic," and how this ideology affects societal structures and beliefs. Andrew Bolton examines the connections between Anabaptism, the Book of Mormon, and the peace church movement, presenting alternatives to conventional approaches to conflict and violence. Michael E. Nielsen broadens the discussion by introducing peace psychology, suggesting a more comprehensive vision for peace that incorporates psychological principles into the pursuit of harmony within the Mormon framework. And more!
The Bishop in Neal Chandler’s story “The Call” counsels a young man: “It’s not easy to be a real writer. . . .” How true, especially when you want, as did the bishop in Neal’s…
Standing as we still do on the brink of a new millennium, Latter-day Saints share with their neighbors and friends across the globe a profound interest in the fortunes of twenty-first-century war and peace. Not only do we wish to live our lives and raise our children under a quiet sky in safety and peace, far from the addictive savagery to which humankind sinks in time of war, but as an increasingly international church committed to sending missionaries into all the countries of the world, who could dispute the advantages if all those countries were at peace?
In 1992, Boutros Boutros-Ghali, then Secretary-General of the United Nations, announced his Agenda for Peace. Within it, he encouraged member states to become more actively involved in “peacebuilding,” a vaguely defined term that seeks to…
The most fundamental problem of politics .. . is not the control of wickedness but the limitation of righteousness.—Henry Kissinger[1] LDS attitudes towards war and peace in general have been covered fairly comprehensively in the…
Dialogue 37.1 (Spring 2004): 75–94
However, Mennonites and Latter Day Saints may be spiritual cousins. A sympathetic comparison of the origins of both movements may illuminate their past and also assist in contemporary living of the gospel of shalom.
As a pacifist for my entire adult life, I find the DIALOGUE call for papers too inviting to ignore. During the Vietnam War thirty-five years ago, I came to grips with what pacifism requires of…
Psychologists have long been interested in peace and conflicts, and have made important contributions to society’s understandings of war and peace. A small but growing number of psychologists has become involved in the peace movement…
Out of the corner of her eye, Leila watched a woman and her husband climb into the Peugeot taxi that Leila was taking from Oran to Algiers. The woman wrapped her black haik close against…
Douglas F. Tobler, Writing Something That Matters
Jerry and Dixie Partridge, Good Wishes to the New Staff
Robert Rees, In Praise of Editorial Teams
Anxiety and frustration have accompanied my resistance to the second Bush war on Iraq. I feel such discontent partly because the Roman Catholic Church in Utah tends to be ultraconservative in theology and politics. While…
A little over twenty years ago on a beautiful July day in London when the sun glittered in a cloudless sky, warm breezes blew the music of the Royal Green Jackets band across Hyde Park. English families and tourists wandered the park or settled themselves on the grass and benches to listen.
I am a child of the sixties. I mean this in a more literal sense than is generally understood: I was a child during the 1960s. One result is that I have a distinctive view…
The history of empires and nation-states is often a chronicle of wars, as this sprinkling of names clearly evokes: Ghengis Khan, Attila the Hun, Julius Caesar, Napoleon Bonaparte, William T. Sherman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Fidel Castro, and Ho Chi Minh. The twentieth century, the bloodiest and most war-crazed in the history of the world, has alone been responsible for combat in which “not less than 62 million civilians have perished, nearly 20 million more than the 43 million military personnel killed.”
Dialogue 37.1 (Spring 2004): 180–187
It was as I waded through the sewage, stagnant in the streets of one of Africa’s biggest slums—Mukuru, Nairobi, Kenya—while on an assignment with the Community of Christ-sponsore WorldService Corps in summer 2000, that I was first struck by the enormity of the world’s problems and the horrifying conditions faced by the majority of its inhabiants.
Speak now in the voice of peace.
The poets of the world are rising,
rising against the storm.
Speak in your poet’s voice,
To that lit spot ahead
is as far as you’ll walk:
open green, bounded by pale shrubs
you can’t name, sky
in clabbery cloud, light blue showing through.
Storm coming, your father would say.
Out of a dream
a fragrance overwhelms me:
not saffron, not lavender
but something in between:
Across a shattered street, a Muslim groom lifts
the train of his Christian bride as he steps over
broken glass, old tires, and miles of rubblestone.
Her face, a dark rose, is the only beauty
in this ravaged landscape.
She pictures heavy boots, plodding through sand,
and wonders if the socks she knitted fit him.
In sundown-smoky Baghdad, her Marine digs trenches,
longing for double beds and salt-rimmed tequilas,
Tanker from al-Kuwayt on the Persian Gulf
Passes the Straits of Hormuz (which Americans hold),
With a cargo of “black gold”—
Gas and petroleum—
For further refinement in Galveston.
I grew up with toy machine guns, plastic army men, and John Wayne movies on a black and white television set. We read the Book of Mormon as a family every morning before school, and…
Scott Carrier, whose photographs we feature in this issue of Dialogue, is an independent writer and radio producer. His print stories have been published in Harper’s, Rolling Stone, Esquire, QQ, and Mother Jones magazines. His radio…