Volume 46, No. 1
Spring 2013
The Spring 2013 issue begins with an enlightening article about the magazine campaign against the Mormon Church in the early twentieth century. Following this is Terence L. Day and "Bones Heal Faster: Spousal Abuse in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints." This article takes a look at spousal abuse and the distinction between emotional and physical abuse, as well as the causes and a culture that contributes to abuse. Roger Terry provides a nuanced perspective to church history and doctrine in "Why The True Church Cannot Be Perfect," explaining that perhaps the phrase "perfect church, imperfect people" is an outdated one. The final article in the issue deals with the practice of dusting off feet and ritual cursing in the Mormon church. The issue finishes with several works of poetry, a work of fiction, and a beautiful sermon by Boyd Peterson.
The Revelations & Opinions of the Rev. Clive Japhta, D.D.
James Goldbergas extracted from a series of emails James Goldberg discovered in his junk folder I am—without question—an American. If I’ve ever doubted that, it was clear the moment I walked into the humidity and human…
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