Volume 50, No. 1
Spring 2017
In the Spring issue you’ll find pieces from three early influencers of Dialogue: Bob Rees, Francis Menlove, and Robert Christmas. Also read Brad Cook’s exploration of “Pre-Mortality in Mystical Islam and the Cosmic Journey of the Soul” as well as Allen Hansen & Walker Wright’s “Worship through Corporeality in Hasidism and Mormonism.” A special roundtable featuring Neylan McBaine, Mette Harrison and Maxine Hanks will consider “Gender, Authority and Identity.” Multiple fiction and poetry pieces grace this issue and Ben Park reviews Laurel Thatcher Ulrich’s new look at polygamy A House Full of Females. Finally, Paul Nibley wonders “What Does it Mean to be Truly Christian?”
Editor's Note
Le Train à Grande Vitesse
R. A. Christmas. . . we are passengers on the train of the Church . . . the luxury of getting on and off the train as we please is fading. The speed of the train is…
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The Darkest Abyss in America
William MorrisThy mind, O man! if thou wilt lead a soul unto salvation, must stretch as high as the utmost heavens, and search into and contemplate the darkest abyss, and the broad expanse of eternity—thou must…
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Personal Voices
Personal Voices: Eyes to See
Kylie Nielson TurleyI. Seeing Not . . . because they seeing not . . . Matthew 13:13 My first pair of glasses had green plastic rims and Coke-bottle thick, anti-glare-coated lenses, which reflected green light. In every…
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Roundtable: Shifting Boundaries of Feminist Theology: What Have We Learned?
Maxine HanksDialogue 50.1 (Spring 2017): 167–180
This tendency to rewrite Relief Society history continued from the
1850s into the 1990s.
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Roundtable: Mormon Women and the Anatomy of Belonging
Neylan McBaineDialogue 50.1 (Spring 2017): 193–200
n looking at the definition of Mormon womanhood, it seems to me that the boundaries of that community have shifted over the past almost two hundred years from being initially proscribed by the institution, in the early days of the Nauvoo Relief Society, to essentially being defined by the Mormon women themselves in today’s modern global Church.
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Roundtable: When Feminists Excommunicate
Mette Ivie HarrisonDialogue 50.1 (Spring 2017): 183–192
I am concerned about the ways in which I see patriarchy swallow up the demands of feminism and use them against women. Each time we gain som
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