Volume 28, No. 2
Summer 1995
The Summer 1995 Issue explores a range of topics within Mormon thought, history, and scriptural analysis. Paul C. Richards discusses the political presence of Democrats at Brigham Young University. Roger D. Launius examines the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the transformative 1960s. Janice M. Allred explores themes of freedom and grace in reconsidering theocratic principles. O. Kendall White, Jr. reflects on the relationship between the Church and broader intellectual life. Larry L. St. Clair and Clayton C. Newberry propose consecration, stewardship, and accountability as solutions for environmental concerns, while Donald L. Gibbon addresses the Church’s role in famine relief and environmental issues. In scriptural studies, Stephen J. Patterson provides insights into the Gospel of Thomas and its portrayal of Jesus. The compilation highlights evolving perspectives in Mormon theology, ethics, and environmental responsibility. And more!
Coming of Age? The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in the 1960s
Roger D. LauniusDialogue 28.4 (Winter 1995): 31–55
In many respects the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints of the 1960s mirrored the general tumult, if not the details, of the larger American society.
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Johnny TownsendPatty Lou sat on her green vinyl sofa, her legs crossed, and thumbed through the daily Brookhaven newspaper. She glanced over at Robert, her thirty-year-old grandson, sitting on the brown vinyl sofa, reading the Jackson…
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Letters to the Editor
Saturday: One Version (Fourth Week of an Unidentified Illness)
Dixie Lee PartridgeTired of enclosure, I sit near what view
of trees and sky my house will give.
Across the back fence, my neighbor
who can hardly walk
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Because Last Night Was Friday Night
Holly WelkerBecause last night was Friday night
I had to search to find a quiet place
and when I found it I wanted to leave it
though I wasn’t even working off a mean gin drunk.
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Toni’s Song
Paul SwensonShe prays in the shower, lifts
her face to the streaming water
god, to the shining metallic head
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Reply to: “You Are a Spiritual Person”
Carol Clark OttesenSomething wants spiritual
yet hesitates, not wanting to show a lack
of substance intellect
to not win at tennis or good looks
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Ghost Month
Holly WelkerIn China, in August, ghosts are released
from hell for a month of fun. Late July
behind the gates, ghosts start queuing up,
raising their hands and swearing to the guards
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Slant Sonnet for Melissa
Linda SillitoeThis visit you talk of Merlin in both poem and prose,
and how he transformed Arthur to insect or mole,
teaching him how to become.
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Brides of the Afternoon
Paul SwensonWhite brides, dark grooms
lustrous silks on
an orange afternoon,
scuffing through dry leaves
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Cereal Polygamy
R. A. ChristmasOne of his had just spilled
some Cheerios, and one of hers
was griping over the Grapenuts.
He was about to holler
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How Things Look from the Other Side of the Lake
R. A. ChristmasPut water between the highway and yourself;
put a fence too, and some cows to graze.
For as long as you sit on this rock,
you are not driving north or south,
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The Freeway
Lee Robisonis two currents of light on the hill.
One drains into the western sky,
the other, into the maw of rock behind me.
I am a dazzled part of light that opens
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Dixie Lee PartridgeI did not plan survival or otherwise
craving absence for so long
so when awakened that snowless night
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The Triumph of Conservative Biblical Criticism | Philip L. Barlow, Mormons and the Bible: The Place of the Latter-day Saints in American Religion
Scott KenneyThe goal of Mormons and the Bible, according to author Phil Barlow, is “to sketch, through pivotal figures, the main developing lines of LDS biblical usage.” The figures discussed are important thinkers and writers, and…
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Can You Change? | Erin Eldridge, Born That Way? A True Story of Overcoming Same-Sex Attraction
Marybeth RaynesBorn That Way? asks a question about the origins of homosexuality, readily answers it in the affirmative, then turns to the author’s, and the church’s, real thesis: You can change your same-sex attraction and “life…
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Unanswered Questions | Grant Underwood, The Millenarian World of Early Mormonism
Jessie L. EmbryJoseph Smith looked forward to a millennium when, according to the 11th Article of Faith, “Zion (the New Jerusalem) will be built upon this the American continent and Christ will reign personally.” But Smith was…
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Listening to Each Other | George D. Smith, ed., Religion, Feminism, and Freedom of Conscience: A Mormon/Humanist Dialogue
Florien J. WineriterMormonism: We believe men will be punished for their own sins and not for Adam’s transgression.Humanism: We believe people must take personal responsibility for their individual behavior. The editor has carefully selected several outstanding papers…
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