

Poetry Matters in Mormon Culture

When the above notice appeared in the Improvement Era in September 1933, it did not seem out of place in a publication intended for the general church membership. In the same issue of the Improvement Era, Theodore E. Curtis posted a notice for another collection of poetry. Its announcement included endorsements from notable leaders of the church: 

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Alive in Mormon Poetry

The summer 2002 edition of Irreanteum: Exploring Mormon Literature is de voted to the theme of environmental writing in LDS theology and culture. It features poems solicited by guest editor Todd Petersen by several contemporary…

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For my father-in-law, who knew the conflict  Alvin Hawking awoke two hours after dusk. He slipped out of his cot and dressed in the dim yellow light that washed through the screen door at the…

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About a year and a half after Mitch fell, he decided on a comeback climb. Understandably, his wife was less than enthusiastic about it. Everyone agreed the fall should have killed Mitch or, worse, made…

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He watches Elain’s buttocks, the tan shorts browned at the seat, as she walks briskly ahead of him on the narrow trail. Her dirty orange day pack bounces on her back, the leaky canteen a…

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From Three Jacks

Sunrise, Friday, November, 22,1963, not yet but about to be one ugly day in U.S. history, and standing over there about to climb into the family Nova was my dad, Jack, the man suffering—in words…

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When he was seventeen, David Thatcher Williams and his cousin Cleon, who was also seventeen, hopped a freight in the Provo yards to start a trip to Washington, D.C., to visit David’s Aunt Doris, his…

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A Good Sign

Bobbie wants to marry me again. Fourteen months now I’ve been pointing out the kids, our wedding pictures, our marriage certificate. Gosh, I even show him the mail—”Mr. and Mrs. Robert Franklin,” right there on…

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It’s been ten weeks since Liz (my mother) came to collect me from the islands and pack me back to Michigan. She wanted me to tally my losses and get on with things. Liz has…

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Letters to the Editor


Announcing the Mormon Literature Database

Brigham Young University’s Harold B. Lee Library has recently launched the Mormon Literature Database (, a comprehensive bibliography of all literary writings by or about Mor mons, destined to be an invaluable resource to scholars…

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Personal Voices



October snow brings the hunters 
down from the mountains 
without their kill. Sometimes 
it happens this way. Sumac and oak 

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For and in behalf of those dead 
before God’s love could smother 
them. I enter the font and take a baptism. 
Buried in the temple’s basement, twelve 
garlanded oxen balance the precarious 

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Childhood Homes

“A crackerbox,” my mother called it, 
            Her marriage’s first scene. 
My first home, my brother’s, tucked 
            Far back for remembering, 
The place where she dyed feedsacks 
            To curtain the windowscreens. 

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Quarry workmen slice open the past,
pry limestone chunks with picks, 
shave each delicate layer 
with a chisel and a sledge. 

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Red’s Tire Barn Titans

They are overmatched from the beginning. 
Even the black block numbers on their backs
seem to loom on the jerseys that hang slack 
and flap about their narrow bodies, smooth

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No more constant lover in the spring was there.
I see thee when the blossoms break 
the bounds of loveliness, 
when streamlets sing. 

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Take My Hand

The shadows on the hills of afternoon 
Overflow the canyons and the cliffs. 
The sun is low, now gone. 
The labor now is done 
And gone the care. 

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Volume Art