Volume 39, No. 2
Summer 2006
The Summer 2006 issue begins with "Eternal Progression in a Multiverse: An Explorative Mormon Cosmology" which provides a fascinating connection between the Mormon doctrine of eternal progression and the multiverse theory, providing a look at how the doctrine would be implemented should the multiverse theory be true. This is followed by "Without Purse or Scrip in Scotland" by Polly Aird which takes a look at Scottish missionaries serving in Scotland in the nineteenth century. Finally, we have an exploration of patriarchy and gender equality in the Bible, specifically referencing Paul's writings to the Ephesians. Also included in this issue are several beautiful works of art, a pair of fictional works, and a reflection on forty years of Dialogue.
The Walker
Matthew James BabcockOur firsts and lasts were leaves burned the hour we left. Ted Hughes You could say that my life and The Walker’s life—well, it’s all been a question of firsts. And to be honest, I thought…
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The Dissonance of Absolution
Gary G. HernandezThe phone rings once. I think about hanging up. The phone rings twice. I begin to believe my luck might hold out. The third ring proves me wrong. Something is amiss when grown children, adults…
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