Volume 40, No. 2
Summer 2007
The Summer 2007 issue begins with "The Theology of Desire" by Cetti Cherniak, which is part two of an essay on sexuality and sexual expression within the church and reconciles this with modern LDS theology. The next article is one by Barry Laga, titled "Making the Absent Visible: The Real, Ideal, and the Abstract in Mormon Art," beginning with a look at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and uses it to reflect on the difficulty to encapsulate something fully when depicting it in art, this is followed by an epistemological look at the church and how the church answers these deep and fundamental questions about human existence. Also included in this issue are several personal voices, a beautiful pair of fictional stories, and a thought provoking poem titled "Quantum Gospel: A Mormon Testimony."
Follow Me, Boys
Kristen CarsonThe station hall echoed with the rumble of waiting buses every time the door opened. The restroom door squeaked. A mother on the far row of chairs scolded her child—“Don’t climb on that!”—as her breasts…
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Sister Love
Susan Morgan“You’re acting like a child,” said Karen. “I’m not,” said Lynn, and looked with determination at her dinner plate. She could feel Karen’s anger vibrating against her skin. “Oh, don’t talk to me—” Lynn glanced…
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Letters to the Editor
Personal Voices
Trial of Faith
John Gustav-WrathallRead more