


Of Pleasures and Palaces

(1961)  I sat waiting in the downstairs living room in the “House of Happiness” where only a correct, efficient, middle-aged nurse interrupted a grueling aura of lost wills, defeated pluck. The inmates, whose residence in…

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Letters to the Editor


“That Is the Handwriting of Abraham”

In his stimulating article “Knowing Brother Joseph Again: The Book of Abraham and Joseph Smith as Translator” (Dialogue, Winter 1989), Karl Sandberg seeks to explain the Prophet Joseph Smith’s translation of the Book of Abraham almost exclusively in terms of seership (where one does not necessarily actually view the material...

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Going Home

“Walk,” scold your doctors, but you snort 
that it will take a cold day in hell 
to make you shuffle from room to room 
like some old man. So here I am, 

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After your letter, I hoped to translate, 
if I could, apples and bread into dark open streets. 
That girl in Heidelberg drew a black line, 
white paper against the shed door, 

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