

Lucifer’s Legacy

Twice now I’ve been told straight out and in so many words, “Don’t be too honest!” Both times this earnest counsel came from men whose friendship I cherish and whose priesthood callings command my respect.…

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The Continuing Quest for the Historical Jesus

In 1975 I enrolled in the divinity school at the University of Chicago, where I hoped to earn a Ph.D. under Norman Perrin, a distinguished British New Testament scholar. But a call I made at the same time to the head of the LDS Church Education System in Salt Lake City stopped me cold in my tracks. He told me that if I wanted to teach New Testament for the church I could do so with a Ph.D. in physics or family counseling— anything but a degree in New Testament studies. That attitude has created a vacuum in serious New Testament studies among Latter-day Saints. One way to fill this void is to become a member of the Westar Institute of Sonoma, California, whose goal, among others, is to expose the public to serious biblical scholarship. 

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Nei Wei

Keith Larson spent the first year of his mission in the southern Taiwan port city of Kaoshiung. After a four-month stint in Tainan, central Taiwan, he was glad to be transferred south again to the…

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Dust to Dust: A Mormon Folktale

The morning promised no bright sun. No blue sky. Only dust from the desert’s chalky red soil. “Lord in heaven,” Rosalinda said to herself. She stared out the window, worried about her garden. She couldn’t…

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Letters to the Editor


A Look at Ephesians 2:8-9

Ephesians 2:8-9 (KJV) speaks of salvation coming through the grace of God: “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:/ Not of works, lest any man should boast.” The interpretation of these verses is controversial.

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That snow falling out there, not in flakes 
But in clusters of flake, little snow balls 
Loosened by November’s sun still barely struggling
Through the harvest haze, snow falling 

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Signs in the heavens. Great arcs of light
at midday. Drew it. Intend 
to ask Joseph what it means … 

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I was expecting ripened avocadoes, Michael, 
or half-used spices—the usual throwaways before
a move. Not a grocery bag of garments, unopened,
each slippery package a skin you never tied on.

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