

The Making of a Mormon Myth: The 1844 Transfiguration of Brigham Young

Mormonism, America’s unique religious manifestation, has a remark able past. Nourished on the spectacular, the faith can count heroic martyrs, epic treks, and seemingly supernatural manifestations. Deep in the Mormon psyche is an attraction to prophetic posturing and swagger. In particular, Joseph Smith, Jr., and Brigham Young are icons who have come to dominate the Mormon world like mythical colossuses.

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The Unexpected Choice

“Mrs. Greer, you must abort your baby.” The words wrapped me in horror. They offered a solution worse than the problem could ever be. I had cancer, now I was pregnant, and Dr. Krueger wanted…

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Male-Male Intimacy among Nineteenth-century Mormons: A Case Study

Dialogue 28.4 (Winter 1995): 105–119
This was a prelude to his book-length treatment Same-Sex Dynamics in 19th C. America: A Mormon Example, that looked at “intimacy” broadly defined, before the rise of homophobia in the post-WWII period. It is a fascinating study of changing norms and practices that once allowed for a huge range of bonding practices between people of the same-sex. Quinn himself had come out in the course of researching this article and the book a few years before, and this work remains influential.

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Palm Sunday

“We Mormons lack ‘joy in the Lord,’” Bishop Lewis told his counselors and the ward secretary at the start of bishopric meeting on Palm Sunday morning. They listened attentively. “The name of Jesus is the…

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Balancing Acts

When Catherine opened her eyes on the Saturday morning of her daughter Kelly’s baptism, she recognized that the day ahead was going to test her endurance. Not only did she have to clean the house…

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Letters to the Editor




He speaks in a poetry of mumbles, not quite rambling
under the breaking sky about what happened 
half his life ago and the end of a promise 
that makes him angry. Shows the confusion 

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A Killing Frost

When the cold front came, all the leaves went limp.
That was that—no more white flies on the patio,
one bloom still curled tightly in its calyx, 
its promise of color fading. Yet there’s nothing

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