Volume 39, No. 4
Winter 2006
The Winter 2006 issue begins with G. St. John Stott explaining the teachings and beliefs of Joseph Smith and the kingdom of King Benjamin in modern economic and political terms, looking at capitalism, individualism, and the economics of the past. This is followed by "Grant McMurray and the Succession Crisis in the Community of Christ" by William D. Russel, which looks at the history and structure of the Community of Christ, as well as the process behind finding a new successor as president, and why the former president did not appoint a successor. This is followed by Roger D. Launius who examines the connection between Joseph Smith and the Community of Christ and questions if he is relevant in their doctrine. Finally, there is "True to the Faith: A Snapshot of the Church in 2004" by Lavina Fielding Anderson, which looks at the significance of True to the Faith within the church and for church youth, as well as the positives and negatives of the booklet. Also included in this issue is a reflection on forty years of Dialogue, a pair of global articles, and several works of beautiful poetry.
Grant McMurray and the Succession Crisis in the Community of Christ
William D. RussellDialogue 39.4 (Winter 2006): 67–90
Members of the Community of Christ were shocked when our president, W. Grant McMurray, announced that he had resigned on November 29, 2004 , effective immediately.
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Is Joseph Smith Relevant to the Community of Christ?
Roger D. LauniusDialogue 39.4 (Winter 2006): 58–67
I spoke as a member of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints/Community of Christ. As a result, I had a decidedly different perspective on Joseph Smith than my co-panelists.
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Douglas ThayerThe evening before Jim Wilson’s family moved, he and Bob Olding rode their bikes down to the Provo River to swim one more time. The last five boys were just leaving the hole, so Bob…
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Without Number
Julie J. NicholsAnd the Lord God said unto Moses: For mine own purpose have I made these things. . . . And worlds without number have I created; and I also created them for mine own purpose. Moses…
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