Volume 40, No. 4
Winter 2007
The Winter 2007 issue begins with Nathan Oman defending the authority of church doctrine, and sets out to clarify the hurdle members of the church face in differentiating what is and is not doctrine. This is followed by Ethan Yorgason who explores communication as it pertains to religion, specifically the evolution of our communication and examining of our eternal yearning for deep connection with each other. These are followed by a look at the dynamic of church in Bolivia and Finland by David Clark Knowlton and Kim B. Ostman, respectively. Finally, we have a large collection of poetry, several works of fiction, and a few reviews.
“The Other” in the Limelight: One Perspective on the Publicity Surrounding the New LDS Temple in Finland
Kim B. OstmanDialogue 40.4 (2007): 70–105
The purpose of this article is to begin filling that gap by discussing some of the publicity accompanying the recently built Helsinki FinlandTemple, located in the southern Finland city of Espoo.
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Charity Never
Matthew James BabcockThis is how I remember it. The morning before my business flight to England, our two-year old daughter, Myra, started shrieking as if a Ninja assassin had infiltrated her room. I wrapped a pillow around…
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The Buzzard Tree
Johnny TownsendPatty Lou looked out the door. She was waiting for her grandson, Robert, to come. She hadn’t seen him since her ninetieth birthday party three months earlier, when the whole family had come out to…
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