Volume 50, No. 4
Winter 2017
Inside the Winter 2017 issue you’ll find a plethora of important discussions on race within Mormonism, forefronted by Ignacio Garcia, who provides “Thoughts on Latino Mormons, Their Afterlife, and the Need for a New Historical Paradigm for Saints of Color.” This is followed by Robert A. Goldberg asking “Can Mormons be White in America?” Then Gina Colvin declares that “There’s No Such Thing as Gospel Culture.” Finally Moroni Benally looks at “Decolonizing the Blossoming: Indigenous People’s Faith in a Colonizing Church.” If this isn’t enough, there is a beautiful personal essay by Moana Uluave-Hafoka on “To Be Young, Mormon, and Tongan,” as well as amazing poetry, new reviews–including a review of Tom Christofferson’s new book–and much more!
Johnny Townsend“Dear Heavenly Father,” I began, “please help me do well on this test.” I was on my way to the Garfield Community Center in the Central District to take a skills test for a City…
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Personal Voices
Review: That We May Be One: A Personal Journey Tom Christofferson. That We May Be One: A Gay Mormon’s Perspective on Faith and Family
Gerald S. ArgetsingerRead more