Volume 51, No. 4
Winter 2018
Fiona Givens beautifully begins the issue with musings "On Solace," which is companionly followed by Terryl Givens' article "Heretics in Truth: Love, Faith and Hope as the Foundation for Theology, Community, and Destiny." Blair Ostler's Personal Voices takes a personal, philosophical view on "Heavenly Mother: The Mother of All Women." And Mette Harrison takes seriously a LDS view of the "Resurrection" in a fiction piece about a young person who wants to be perfected in the body that is truly theirs. And so much, much more.
British Latter Day Saint Conscientious Objectors in World War I
Andrew BoltonDialogue 51.4 (Winter 2018): 49–76
What of the Latter Day Saint movement that claimed to prophetically discern the times and seasons of these latter days and also boldly proclaimed that they were the restoration church?
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Editor's Note
With Marbles for Eyes
Nate NoorlanderAs they crested the final hill into town, the speed limit dropped and the noise from the tires was quieter and less constant. Travis looked out Sarah’s window and she looked at him like he…
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Mette Ivie HarrisonSince he was a child, he’d dreamed of himself in one form and woken up, always disappointed, always jolted by the reality and by the way that others looked at him. In the first years,…
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Letters to the Editor
New Voices
Pedagogy of Perfection: Joseph Smith’s Perfectionism, How It was Taught in the Early LDS Church, and Its Contemporary Applicability
Richard SleegersDialogue 51.4 (Winter 2018): 105–143
Richard Sleegers contrasts 19th century Protestant teachings about salvations to what Joseph Smith taught about life after death.
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Personal Voices
Heavenly Mother: The Mother of All Women
Blaire OstlerDialogue 51.4 (Winter 2018): 171-174
Heavenly Mother is a cherished doctrine among many Latter-day Saints.
Her unique esthetic of feminine deity offers Latter-day Saint women a
trajectory for godhood—the ultimate goal of Mormon theology.
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