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Dark Watch

“And thorns shall come up in her palaces, nettles and brambles in the fortresses thereof: and it shall be an habitation of dragons, and a court for owls.” Isaiah 34:13 “I will make a wailing…

Letters to the Editor

The letters in this issue reflect accurately the relative quantity of letters received on the different subjects as well as the various points of view.  Dear Sirs:  I am much interested in the cover of…

An “Inside-Outsider” in Zion

At the invitation of Sunstone, I sat down a couple of years ago to write a book review of Samuel Woolley Taylor’s Rocky Mountain Empire. As did Topsy, that review just grew and grew until…

Maggie Smith Shoots On Over

On the morning the Challenger space shuttle exploded, Maggie shot on over.  I’ve been thinking about both events as though they were connected, even though I know they aren’t. They were separated not merely by…

Remembering Armand Lind Mauss: 1928-2020

Memorial Service for Armand Mauss In Memoriam: Armand Mauss by Patrick Mason The academic field of Mormon studies lost one of its greatest pioneers and champions when Armand Lind Mauss passed away. In a field…

The Bowhunter

Jack slowed down, looking for a sign. Seeing none, he sped on down the highway, grumbling to himself. Dean could have given more specific directions — or better, first-hand instructions, not this friend-of-a-friend nonsense. It…

Controlling Pornography: The Scientific and Moral Issues

Contrast the following: The saturation of our civilization with obscenity and pornography shackles and enslaves to lust and depravity. It is necessary to slip these surly bonds. This means it is necessary for each person in…