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Editor Kristine Haglund on PBS Newshour

[…] then of course Mitt Romney’s run for the presidency have put Mormonism in the spotlight and also I think given Mormons more of a sense of how they are perceived in America.” 2014 -1112 14.04.55

Letter to the Editor: Regarding Stan Larson's Summer 2014 article

[…] same creator, regardless of how diverse the subject matter (italics mine). Librarians usually organize by subject matter; archivists do not. Correct archival practice would have forbidden the separation of the three leaves from the […]

Dialogue, and Me, at 50

[…] give it up. Now, at 50, we have both gotten a lot better at being faithful Latter -day Saints on our own terms. We have figured out how to embrace and even celebrate the […]

Book Review: Patrick Madden. Sublime Physick: Essays.

[…] the proprietor of the website which is, among other things, an “online compendium of 420 public -domain essays.” Both Madden and the abovementioned Lopate (along with countless other essayists) have pledged their allegiance […]

Dialogue Editor Search Announcement

[…] new website at the moment of publication and given us a more substantial internet presence with web -only content. Beginning in 2020, we will transition our production operations to the University of Illinois Press. […]

Racist Folklore at BYU

[…] they believed in the outdated teachings of the Church—that African Americans were less valiant in the pre -existence. I see them sometimes on campus. At a BYU ward talent show I had an uncomfortable […]

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