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Dialogue's 2012 Christmas Advent Countdown

Happy Holidays from Dialogue Journal!

As a special advent-themed treat, will be featuring holiday-flavored offerings from it’s archives leading up to Christmas Day.
Today’s offering: Merry Christmas! 2011 Greetings
Here’s a taste:
“Let us resolve that we will do our part to hallow the year ahead, by building a Zion that will increase in beauty and in holiness. To that end, let us in our minds and in our ministries enlarge the borders of Zion to include our sisters and brothers who do not worship with us, but who are our friends and fellow pilgrims and who also serve the Master by feeding the sheep of His pasture. ”
Click to see all the 2012 Christmas countdown features.

Dialogue's 2012 Christmas Advent Countdown: Merry Christmas!

Happy Holidays from Dialogue Journal!

As a special advent-themed treat, will be featuring holiday-flavored offerings from it’s archives leading up to Christmas Day.
Today’s offering: Three Christmas Hymns
Here’s a taste:
Find sheet music to three Christmas hymns to enjoy with your festivities this holiday: “A Christmas Hymn,” “The Babe of Bethlehem,”and “Away in Manger.”
Click to see all the 2012 Christmas countdown features.

Review: Jack Harrell, A Sense of Order and Other Stories

For other Jack Harrell offerings featured in Dialogue, check out “Form and Integrity” and “A Visit for Tregan.”
Reviewed by Blair Hodges at
I didn’t like every story in Jack Harrell’s collection of short stories, A Sense of Order and Other Stories. But a few of them stuck with me over the past few months, occasionally surfacing at the shoreline as the cognitive tide recedes just before sleep.

Dialogue artist Trevor Southey passes away

Cross-posted at By Common Consent
By Steve Evans
Trevor Southey passed away yesterday.Joseph-Smith-three-views-e1374478814675Southey was an artist, sculptor, Mormon, gay man, husband, ex-husband, father and a host of other adjectives.
Born in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), Southey joined the Church in South Africa and moved to Utah. He studied and taught at BYU. His ‘Alpine modernist’ style combines realistic forms in with abstract elements. The human form was at the center of much of his work. He saw grace and beauty in the human body, even while administrators around him would not permit sketching from nudes. “the reason the human is central to my work is because it’s central to my life,” he said. He would establish an artistic community in Alpine.

Editor Notes: Of Haircuts and Honor

Cross-posted at
Screenshot 2016-04-26 at 10.54.02 AMThe BYU Honor Code has come under fire recently, and I don’t want to detract from that discussion, but it has caused me to reflect back on my own run-in with the Honor Code back in March 1984.
I’m pretty sure it was my friend Kent’s idea that we should run for ASBYU president and vice president during our junior year of college. We knew we didn’t stand much of a chance. We create signs or bribe students to vote for us by giving out free hotdogs. I don’t think we ever campaigned.
All candidates for ASBYU office had the opportunity to place their photos in the student newspaper, the Daily Universe. Unlike most candidates who had professional headshots in which they sported a tie, their faded white shirts, and indestructible polyester missionary suits, Kent and I took a self-portrait in more casual attire. A couple of days after our photos appeared, we both got a call from the Honor Code office and were required to meet with an administrator about some unstated infraction.

Book Review: Peck's Peak. Wandering Realities and Evolving Faith, by Steven L. Peck

25961385-3Steven L. Peck. Wandering Realities: The Mormonish Short Fiction of Steven L. Peck. Provo: Zarahemla Books, 2015. 220 pp. Paperback: $14.95. ISBN: 978-0988323346.
Steven L. Peck. Evolving Faith: Wanderings of a Mormon Biologist. Provo: Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship, 2015. 211 pp. Paperback: $19.95. ISBN: 978-0842529440.
Reviewed by Michael Austin
If someone ever asks me what kinds of things Steven Peck writes, the best answer I can give goes like this: the BYU biology professor and raconteur writes primarily in the fields of evolutionary biology, speculative theology, literary fiction, computer modeling, poetry, existential horror, satire, personal essay, tsetse fly reproduction, young-adult literature, human ecology, science fiction, religious allegory, environmentalism, and devotional narrative. You know, that kind of thing.

Book Review: Julie Berry's The Passion of Dolssa and Jeff Zentner's The Serpent King

Exploring the Unfamiliar Realm of Religion in Young Adult Literature

Julie Berry. The Passion of Dolssa. New York: Viking Books for Young Readers, 2016. 496 pp.
Jeff Zentner. The Serpent King. New York: Crown Books for Young Readers, 2016. 384 pp.
Reviewed by Jon Ostenson
Modern young adult literature traces its roots to 1967, when S. E. Hinton’s book The Outsiders was published and subsequently devoured by young readers who were desperate for literature that spoke to them and reflected the realities they saw daily. In the ensuing years, young adult literature has bravely explored controversial topics like class struggle, mental illnesses, drug abuse, and sexuality, all in the name of allowing teen readers a chance to explore the “real” world. One element of teens’ lives, however, that has often been overlooked in the literature is religion and spirituality. Despite the results of the recent National Study of Youth and Religion showing that nearly forty percent of teens report actively participating in organized religion, religious characters and explorations of spirituality are rarely treated in young adult literature.
The two titles I review here, The Passion of Dolssa by Julie Berry and The Serpent King by Jeff Zentner, counter this trend, presenting characters who wrestle with issues of faith and belief as they navigate the challenges of their world.

Book Review: Daredevils, by Shawn Vestal

Lapsing into Daredevilry

Shawn Vestal. Daredevils. New York: Penguin Press, 2016. 308 pp.
Reviewed by Julie J. Nichols
It’s a hard truth: you have to be damn smart to be a writer of good fiction. If you’re dumb, forget it. You have to hear words in your head—and who doesn’t? But you also have to know how to put them together in a sentence that’s not only grammatical but original in its context, truer than any other sentence could possibly be. Then you have to do that with paragraphs and chapters in the service of a whole whose shape knocks readers right out of unconsciousness, makes them alive, blasts their eyes open so they see the world new.

Shawn Vestal is smart. He’s so smart he could write Daredevils, which is about three daredevil kids on the run, two of the daredevil bad guys they’re on the run from, and Evel Knievel, who was the quintessential iconic daredevil of the United States in the 1970s. He figures just enough in this story to be real. Or almost.

Archive of the Covenant: Reflections on Mormon Interactions with State and Body

Dialogue 53.4 (Winter 2020): 79–107
In the logic of Mormon theology, an internal lack of faith is in part a result of the mismanagement of my mortal embodiment. Part of the reason that the “born this way” language of the marriage equality movement has had so little effect on the Mormon population compared to others is that it directly contradicts very recent and revered theological claims.

Four Reasons for Voting Yes

I don’t live in California, and so the questions of what I thought of Proposition 8 and of my Church’s involvement in it were never presented to me with any more force than that of…