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Racial Innocence and the Christus-Based Latter-day Saints Symbol

[…] Presidency and NAACP Leaders Announce a Shared Vision to ‘Learn from and Serve One Another,’” June 14, 2021, Newsroom, Blum and Harvey, Color of Christ, 250. Blum and Harvey, Color of Christ, 253. […]

The Book of Mormon as a Modern Expansion of an Ancient Source

Dialogue 20.1 (Spring 1987): 69–75
EVEN A CASUAL REFERENCE to studies treating the Book of Mormon reveals a range of divergent explanations of its origins. At one extreme are those who are skeptical of the book’s claims to antiquity who generally conclude that it is a pious fraud, written by Joseph Smith from information available in his immediate environment.

The Secular Binary of Joseph Smith’s Translations

Dialogue 54.3 (Fall 2021): 1–40 The debate about Joseph Smith’s translations have primarily assumed that the translation was commensurable and focuses upon theories of authorial involvement of Joseph Smith.

Joseph Smith, Thomas Paine, and Matthew 27:51b–53

Dialogue 54.4 (Winter 2021): 1–33
Despite its alleged antiquity, jutting back centuries before the Common Era, and its predominant setting in the Americas, the Book of Mormon contains several Matthean and Lukan additions to […]

Separate but Equal?: Black Brothers, Genesis Groups, or Integrated Wards?

Dialogue 23.1 (Spring 1990): 11–36
A history of Black LDS social groups and organizations. The Genesis Group gave African Americans a better chance to connect with fellow African Americans through frequent socials. The first group was founded in Salt Lake City. Even being based in Utah, they couldn’t depend on a lot of outside support from other members or Church leaders, which became isolating for them.

There is Work to Do First

[…] not Blind, (Deseret Book Co., 2018), p.98-100; also reprinted by Deseret Book in a journal edition in 2021, pages 118-119. Dallin H. Oaks, Speech at “Be One” Celebration, June 2, 2018.  The speech included […]