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Letters to the Editor

Dear Sirs:  . . . . I borrowed the first two issues and have read each one with a great sense of gratitude. I knew it — I knew you were there somewhere, you people…

Letters to the Editor

Dear Sirs:  After Udall’s letter, what now? Despite the possible political implications of Stewart Udall’s letter, I hailed it as a welcome voice on a subject generally veiled in public silence. And yet after the…

Seers, Savants and Evolution: The Uncomfortable Interface

Dialogue 8.3/4 (1973): 43–73
Ever since his great synthesis, Darwin’s name has been a source of discomfort to the religious world. Too sweeping to be fully fathomed, too revolutionary to be easily accepted, but too well documented to be ignored, his concepts of evolu￾tion1 by natural selection have been hotly debated now for well over a century.

A Dialogue with Henry Eyring

Dialogue 8.3/4 (1973): 99–108
Over the years Henry Eyring’s status in the first rank of scientists has become secure. He has produced a staggering volume of research publications in the fields of his interests: application of quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics, radio￾activity, theory of reaction rates, theory of liquids, rheology, molecular biology, optical rotation, and theory of flame.

Tiny Papers: Peruvian Mormon Substances of Relatedness

Listen to a conversation about this piece here. JACOBA:[1] I have my genealogical abilities, and I wield them as I see fit. JASON: And you saw fit to marry your son to Chalo’s daughter? JACOBA:…

Every Soul Has Its South

Dialogue 1.2 (Summer 1966): 72–79
In this important article in one of the earliest Dialogue issues, Keller says “I went because I was frankly worried: worried that my wife and children should find me slipping after talking intense brotherhood, worried that the church members I led and taught should know where the doctrine but not the action in life is, worried that the students I counseled and read and philosophized with where I taught should reach for meaning for their lives and find no guts, worried in fact that I should somehow while propagating and preaching the Kingdom of God miss it, miss it altogether. The rest was nonsense.”

Negotiating Black Self-Hate within the LDS Church

Dialogue 51.3 (Fall 2018): 29–44
Smith considers “why would any self-aware Black person find Mormonism the least bit appealing given its ignoble history of racial exclusion and marginalization?”