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Lavina Fielding Anderson (1944-2022)

[…] I am a social Mormon. Furthermore, to a considerable extent, I have participated in Mormon life by writing fiction about Mormons. It was Lavina, I want to emphasize, who first made me realize that […]

The Secular Binary of Joseph Smith’s Translations

[…] shaping early Mormonism, never letting the divine voice stand without its companion, the secular language of humankind. Writing about his prophetic role to produce revelation, Joseph wrote that “it was an awful responsibility to […]

Bernard Devoto and the Mormons: Three Letters

[…] and setting them on fire.  I cannot now remember whether I realized as much when I was writing. Certainly I realized it soon afterward. I believe that everything I have written about Utah and the […]

Nostrums in the Newsroom

[…] complete picture of what kind of man Gary Gilmore was”. The News had exclusive possession of Gilmore’s writings, letters, “poetry” and drawings (over 800 pages worth), and refused to sell the rights to domestic […]

LDS Approaches to the Holy Bible

Davis Bitton, writing in 1966, noted that “there is no reliable study of Mormon exegesis. .. . I can think of no single area of exploration which promises to be so fruitful in understanding […]

Le Train à Grande Vitesse

[…] R. would rejoin his wife in their apartment, where he’d find her at her own guilty pleasure, writing e-mails to children, grandchildren, and friends in the States. He’d be back in an hour and […]

Little Did She Realize: Writing for the Mormon Market

[…] Here’s a story for you:— It’s about a Mormon bishop and his family, see, so you can get in all the little inside details about the L.D.S. people. The bishop’s wife is an extremely […]

Serving or Converting? A Panel: Person-to-Person Service

[…] serve others on an individual basis is an opportunity for creative, thoughtful expression. An individual may render service on behalf of an organization or may act independently of any group. If our service is […]