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“No Respecter of Persons”: A Mormon Ethics of Diversity

[…] power only to use it unrighteously. Increased pride in ethnic or religious identity has sometimes brought, not mutual respect and tolerance that builds community but tribalization, re opening of centuries-old wounds and violent conflict […]

Of Pleasures and Palaces

[…] that he could prove his brothers and sisters wrong . . . that the face of their worldliness and higher education (which he much admired) would not, in this instance, prove superior to his […]

From Antagonism to Acceptance: Mormons and the Silver Screen

[…] from the state unless the offending photo plays were withdrawn from circulation. Although the Church owned Deseret News praised Spry’s success in partially suppressing The Victim, in the United States, not everyone connected with […]

Mormon and Queer at the Crossroads

Dialogue 44.1 (Spr ing 2011): 53–84
This essay explores conflicting messages within LDS teaching on LGBT rights, when it both opposed same-sex marriage and in the wake of Prop 8 also came out in support […]

Beyond Matriarchy, Beyond Patriarchy

Dialogue 21.1 (Spr ing 1988): 34–59
BECAUSE MORMONS don’t yet have a strong tradition of speculative theology, I want to explain some of my objectives and methods in writing this essay. My chief purpose is […]

The Dream of a Mormon Colony in the Near East

[…] and importance. Typical of his efforts is the following from an article appearing in the Deseret Evening News.  . . . . But when the day comes that we shall have a gathering point […]