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The Conversion of Sidney Rigdon to Mormonism

[…] Bible told the history of a so-called “chosen people,” and Rigdon interpreted the his tory of the world since New Testament times in terms of biblical prophecy. He did not share the interests of […]

Carrying Water on Both Shoulders

[…] it takes second place to secular studies. A third position is to choose to live in both worlds, to keep faith, as it were, with both one’s religious commitments and with the ways of […]

Snowflake Girl

[…] shirting and a pair of bloomers, slipping out of the blazing summer sunshine into the rustling green world of corn, moving down the row, careful that an outstretched corn leaf did not saw across […]

The Mormon Congressman and the Line Between Church and State

[…] giving guidance on moral questions. John E. Moss pointed out that “throughout the history of the western world religious leaders have given leadership to promote human rights and dignity. They should continue to do […]

On the Mormon Commitment to Education

[…] human creations against the more or less measurable effects of discoveries, inventions, and creations in the material world is of course meaningless in one way. And yet our sense of comparative values insists on […]

Some Thoughts on a Rational Approach to Mormonism

[…] is very reasonable, and a simple faith that somehow personality will be preserved in a vaguely-defined spirit world (where we have little objective evidence for its existence) is not sufficient for many trained, analytical […]