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Questioning the Immorality of Coffee

[…] hands to grab her. The photo freezes the look of disgust and determination on his face. People today look at that photo and immediately see the absurdity of banning women from participating in a […]

A Superior Alternative

[…] liked the presumptive epidural and intuited that there were better ways to bring my kids into the world. I’ll confess: Polly had me at “hello.” No drugs? Herbal support throughout pregnancy? Fully aware preparation […]

Judging Israel

[…] labored, and I started to sweat. The last six weeks had created a perfect storm in my world. At the end of June, the US Supreme Court unexpectedly legalized gay marriage, sending the global […]

Second Place: Pressed Palms

Listen to the Out Loud Interview about this article here. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. —Romans 12:2 One spring weekend, with a […]

Portrait of a (Latter-day) Saint

[…] elected to give it to the Church. For decades that gift has supported missionary work throughout the world. Today, two Latter-day Saint temples sit on land Eugene and his family deeded to the Church. […]

An Assortment of Meditations

[…] questions in more spiritually productive theoretical frameworks and advocates restoring religious sensibilities to a highly secularized modern world. But it quickly turns in a more personal direction, relating moving anecdotes about Brown’s struggles to […]