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Scholarly Studies of Mormonism in the Twentieth Century

[…] 1850-1865: A Study in Politics and Public Opinion” (California: Berkeley, 1948).  28. A. R. MORTENSEN, “The Deseret News and Utah, 1850-1867″ (California: Los Angeles, 1949).  29. M. HAMLIN CANNON, “The ‘Gathering’ of British Mormons […]

Second Place: Dispatches from Kolob

[…] my father was a three-­time champion with one of his duck decoys on permanent exhibit at the world-­famous Ward Museum. When the hunt was finished, I went to see it, wanting to hold that […]

The Last Day

[…] Eccles in private to stay the hell away from his son. *** The sun was particularly hot today, which was unusual this late in the fall. Yet Scott Eccles did not think to remove […]

Red Hair in the Sacred Grove

[…] her teaching. The pool-hall loafers called her “the broad.” A group of Relief Society ladies called her worldly. A more kindly group said she was a person capable of being good, but one who […]

The Trail

The world was divided into three.  Three shards of sagebrush and sky.  That’s how it looked to Emma as she blinked through the thick wooden wagon spokes next to her head. She winced at […]

Grandma’s Dying

[…] went to church with me during our courtship, Gran said, “It’s the churches and banks control the world, you know.” As though she were waxing profound. Then she compared Albertson’s tomato prices to Alpha […]

The Chastity Gum

[…] chew this for a while?”  It wasn’t that we weren’t tempted. We were in the midst of World War II, and gum was hard to come by. You cherished each piece, chewing it for […]

Pure Thin Bones

[…] the thread barrier. Adrian watched her fingers.  “It is the heart that is alone in this lonely world,” Adrian said. He walked to the head of the bed and gave José Luís a loud […]

Dust to Dust: A Mormon Folktale

[…] of sight again.  “There’s no such thing as a coach and four in this part of the world,” she muttered, nevertheless leaning against the sill and waiting for another lull in the storm.  So […]