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The Trail

[…] before the sun broke the horizon.  The trail was pressed into the earth like lines in a human palm. Creases formed by the clench of an infant’s fist, by the wires of ancestral weight, […]

Le Train à Grande Vitesse

. . . we are passengers on the train of the Church . . . the luxury of getting on and off the train as we please is fading. The speed of the train is…

The Darkest Abyss in America

[…] farm house had been preserved as a curiosity but the actual place that changed the course of human history was elided—no nod at all to the event that precipitated the entire Restoration. After the […]


“Dear Heavenly Father,” I began, “please help me do well on this test.” I was on my way to the Garfield Community Center in the Central District to take a skills test for a City…

Feeding the Fox: A Parable

[…] danger is not the fox without but the fox within. I can build the warrens deep enough, design the entrances narrow enough, construct the passages as maze enough to confuse and discourage the fox […]

The Renovation of Marsha Fletcher

Marsha crumpled the letter into a ball and hurled it across the living room. It caromed off the TV screen and rolled a few feet before settling in the middle of the carpet. Once again…

The Quilt

[…] unpleasant, almost repulsive. She thought of her grandmother lying across the bed, beached like a piece of human driftwood. A moan filtered down the hallway. “I’m coming, Gran,” said Sarah, throwing the door shut.  […]

The Last Day of Spring

[…] noise that might emerge from someone deaf from birth who had never heard the texture of a human voice nor been trained to imitate it. Mama and Aunt Margaret bent over Jen, no longer […]

Another Angel

And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people.  Revelation,…

Long Divisions

[…] he hikes in thongs.  “I can’t figure that guy out,” Marie says. “Sometimes he acts like we’re human beings, and sometimes he acts like we’re toads.” She slides onto a broad, hot rock. “Elaine?” […]