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A Help Meet for Man | Helen B. Andelin, Fascinating Womanhood

[…] anything she wants.  Mrs. Andelin divides the perfections of a “fascinating woman” into two parts: angelic and human. The twenty-two chapters tell first how to understand men and their peculiarities and then how to […]

Art, Beauty & Country Life in Utah

[…] over comfort and convenience as well. (The glorious thing is they usually don’t let it come above human considerations.)  Bound up with the whole problem is a certain amount of human inertia, of course. […]

Automatic Writing and the Book of Mormon An Update

[…] closest attention.” More recently BYU professor Richard L. Anderson wrote less favorably: “The Sorry Tale spins overdone human tragedy but fades out the divine tragedy of Christ’s atonement for sin. Its Jesus teaches an […]

A Personal Odyssey: My Encounter with Mormon History

[…] me. Eventually, after great personal struggle she worked her way to a position closer to Grandfather’s Christian humanitarianism. Yet the tension remains. For instance, Mother will state unequivocally that the institutional church is wholly […]

Ethical Issues in Reproductive Medicine: A Mormon Perspective

[…] twentieth century, there have been a few points of discordance. Most typically, they have been issues involving human reproduction. Birth Control The national ferment of the sixties and early seventies over abortion is an […]

In Defense of a Mormon Erotica

[…] literature may be a kind of obverse pornography—and also to suggest that expressions of sexuality and other human functions are not intrinsically offensive to God.  In defining pornography I would like to cite that […]

Mormons and the Visual Arts

[…] a sou’wester, long raincoat and rubber boots. The exhibition’s wry title was “This is how we learn human anatomy.”  It is ironical that such attitudes should persist. All Utah students in Paris art schools […]

“Man” and the Telefinalist Trap

[…] sense of God having purposes we must conceive of God having a mind very much like a human: “Add a mind like the human, said Philo. I know of no other, replied Cleanthes. And […]

Faithful History

[…] more leeway than a casual reading of history books discloses. His sense of relevance, his assumptions about human motivation and social causation, and the moral he wishes readers to draw from the story—what he […]

Mother’s Day, 1971

[…] measures up to this ideal. Mothers are people, with all the strengths, weaknesses, virtues, and blunders of human beings. Most of us try to do our best, and some do better than others—but we […]