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Cowboy Charity

[…] often thought that I should write to Paul and thank him, but I procrastinated. By January of 2021 it was too late. Tragically, Paul ended his own life. Unbeknownst to me, Paul had long […]

Riding Herd: A Conversation with Juanita Brooks

Elsewhere in this issue Robert Flanders speaks of the New Mormon History as having begun in 1945 with the publication of Fawn Brodie’s No Man Knows My History. While Brodie’s book is certainly pivotal, an…

Elohim and Jehovah in Mormonism and the Bible

Currently, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints defines the Godhead as consisting of three separate and distinct personages or Gods: Elohim, or God the Father; Jehovah, or Jesus Christ, the Son of God both…

The Grammar of Inequity

Dialogue 23.4 (Winter 1990): 8396This essay explores some of the strengths of deliberately choosing to relate to our world with gender-inclusive language in three areas

Speaking in Tongues in the Restoration Churches

Dialogue 24.1 (Spring 1991): 13 –35
However, during the mid-1800s, speaking in tongues was so commonplace in the LDS and RLDS churches that a person who had not spoken  in tongues, or who had not […]

Anabaptism, the Book of Mormon, and the Peace Church Option

Dialogue 37.1 (Spring 2004): 75 –94
However, Mennonites and Latter Day Saints may be spiritual cousins. A sympathetic comparison of the origins of both movements may illuminate their past and also assist in contemporary living […]