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On the Way to Obsession | Claire Noall, Surely the Night

[…] which such an anomaly as polygamy prevents us—and writers— from confronting. If we were to place our world-worn Mormon fingers on that spot where our mortality most hurts us, it would probably be on […]

Geological Specimen Rejuvenates an Old Controversy

Under the title “Puzzling Fossils Unearthed,” the Deseret News of 13 June, 1968 reported the discovery of “a fossilized footprint” which was said to pose a “dilemma for geologists.” The discovery was made in […]

Letter to a College Student

[…] important than my impatience with the weak vessels the Lord must choose to carry it to the world. Before we left for our mission Charlotte and I had been exposed somewhat to the social […]

Three Portraits of Women from the Old Testament

[…] And yet, a vindication.  I see my children,  Outcasts still,  Butchers, fools and cowards  In a blind world’s eyes;  But Isaac sits uneasy still  Amid a birthright falsely claimed,  The thorn of Ishmael ever […]

Disorder and Early Joy

[…] rural Utah is to inherit a tradition of unpainted outbuildings, tumbled-down fences, and superannuated farm implements: a world held together with bailing wire. According to a friend who has returned to the state after […]

Come Into His Presence with Singing

[…] been asked to talk on music as a form of worship, or on the significance of music in worship.* I found in reading some scriptures trying to prepare for this talk that I needed […]

Sex Education Materials for Latter-day Saints

[…] in the narrow physical sense in which sex is used and portrayed by a sensual and perverted world which knows little or nothing of its eternal purpose and the possibilities of man’s procreative power” […]

The Enigma of Solomon Spalding

[…] remains obsure. The events of his life suggest a pattern of disappointment, frustration and failure, as the world judges. In the inner realm of the spirit, his vivid imagination found release and solace, and […]