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A University’s Dilemma: B.Y.U. and Blacks

[…] Dr. Wolsey was an able advocate for the University in many questions and situationally his appearances and writings proved helpful. But the protests, in various forms, continued. At Bear Down Gym on the University […]

Religious Accommodation in the Land of Racial Democracy

[…] the missionaries were able to interest some professors at a local college in attending church. After the services, the professors informed the elders that though they were impressed with the message of Mormonism, they […]

Toward a Mormon Theology of God the Mother

[…] Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants. Every major prophet in the Book of Mormon taught this. Writing of his vision, Nephi said, “And the angel said unto me again: Look and behold the […]

The Need for a New Mormon Heaven

[…] of God forever and ever.” These verses explain that single people have not obeyed the command to get married, and therefore, by definition, are not righteous. Mormon leaders teach an exception to the harsh […]

LDS Women and Priesthood: Scriptural Precedents for Priesthood

[…] Testament titles, such as apostle, bishop, pastor, evangelist, teacher, elder, and deacon initially describe only functions—roles of service—not priesthood offices (see Mesle 1984, Hutchinson 1981, ID 3:889-90). Paul thinks of his apostleship not as […]

The Grammar of Inequity

Dialogue 23.4 (Winter 1990): 83–96This essay explores some of the strengths of deliberately choosing to relate to our world with gender-inclusive language in three areas