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Wrestling with the Racism of the Book of Mormon

[…] ward was about forty percent people of color, including a large number of refugees, immigrants, and African Americans. In my work in the Primary and Relief Society presidencies, as well as a visiting teacher, […]

Present at the Beginning: One Woman’s Journey

[…] initiated in a revelation to the church, Section 156 of the Doctrine and Covenants, presented to the World Conference by Dr. Wallace B. Smith, President and Prophet, and overwhelmingly approved by the delegates assembled […]

Mormon Priesthood Against the Meritocracy

[…] to charges of hypocrisy and illegitimacy—it was this critique that ultimately brought it down after the second World War, after all—the new elite is more or less secure from critiques leveled in the language […]

The Rise and Fall of Courage, an Independent RLDS Journal

[…] the faculty at Graceland College. Some adult church school study texts in Biblical studies, church history and world religions, published by the Religious Education Department, reflected perspectives not common to typical Reorganized saints, who […]

The 1981 RLDS Hymnal: Songs More Brightly Sung

[…] to move ahead with the times. Roger A. Revell, Commissioner of the Worship Commission at the RLDS World Headquarters, stated, “The late sixties were a period of tremendous theological exploration for RLDSism; many of […]