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Book Review: Son of the Black Sword: The Saga of the Forgotten Warrior I

[…] range from military thrillers to urban fantasies to epic high fantasies, often with accurately detailed depictions of modern and imagined weaponry. His first novel, Monster Hunters International, placed on the Locus bestsellers list; its sequel appeared on […]

What Dialogue Means to People Like Me

[…] imagery from the Book of Mormon, Poll described two “ideal types” of active, believing Mormons: Iron Rods and Liahonas. Iron Rod Mormons, Poll argued, are obedience-minded, loyal, and devout. They do not search for […]

The Epiphany by Melodie Jackson

[…] happened to Nia? They killed that poor girl. In public.” Breathless from the hashtags and my sister’s news that found before I could seek, I spat out, “What. Happened?” She told me. Emphasizing the […]

Q&A with Quincy D. Newell

[…] available to her—just not in priesthood form.   How should scholars of the Mormon past improve integrating stories like James’s into the broader narrative, rather than keeping them on the margins? In large part, […]

Dialogue Topic Pages #9: Evolution

[…] of LDS scholarship. Join host Taylor Petrey, editor of Dialogue and associate professor of religion at Kal amazoo College as he studies Evolution as viewed through the scholarship found within Dialogue’s pages. Transcript  Hello […]