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Book Review: Judith Freeman, The Latter Days: A Memoir

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The Latter Days: A Memoir. By Judith Freeman. Pantheon, 2016. 336 pages. Reviewed by Dar in Stewart Judith Freeman’s The Latter Days is a remarkable memoir of an unremarkable life. The American […]

Book Review: Just Saying, by Stanton Harris Hall

Just Say ing

Stanton Harris Hall. Just Seeing. Self-published, 2016. 109 pp. Reviewed by Mary Lythgoe Bradford Stan Hall was one of Dialogue’s most enthusiastic volunteers […]

Book Review: States of Deseret, edited by Wm Morris

[…] pages, $3.00. Reviewed by Barrett Burgin Last year I presented this scenario to my classmates: what if the Civil War had never ended and Deseret had become its own nation? This idea of an […]

The Epiphany by Melodie Jackson

[…] happened to Nia? They killed that poor girl. In public.” Breathless from the hashtags and my sister’s news that found before I could seek, I spat out, “What. Happened?” She told me. Emphasizing the […]

Topic pages: LGBT issues

[…] Tom Christofferson’s That We May Be One exploded onto the LDS book market with a series of news releases, interviews, and appearances. It represents a gigantic leap in the Deseret Book LDS conversation on […]

Dialogue Awardees Certain Women Art Show 2021

[…] passed on, but we look forward to a happy reunion with them and eternal life in the world to come. Second is Laura Erekson for her exuberant, large scale mixed media piece “Hidden in […]

Fear, Faith, and Other F-Words

[…] received into the arms of friends who love and know me as well as anyone in the world. Halfway between two embraces in the celestial room I have one of the few thoughts of […]