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Art, Beauty & Country Life in Utah

[…] in Utah I’ve noticed definite improvement in civic beautification, town clean-ups, use of modern agricultural methods, better service to the traveling public.  As I say, women are usually responsible for initiating these projects. Of […]

My Father’s Six Widows

[…] in the history of the Church in his stand on the Principle, nothing was uttered at the service but platitudes. The customary eulogy to the memory of the departed could not be delivered, because […]

The Last Days of the Coalville Tabernacle

[…] it is vain and idle for us to talk about art – or education either.” At this writing, the Tabernacle lot in Coalville has been cleared and the construction of the new stake center […]

The Lesson of Coalville

[…] Alvin R. Dyer. Also on the committee are Florence Jacobsen and John Q. Cannon, director, Church information service.  CORNERSTONE: An Organization of Latter-day Saints for the Preservation of their Architectural Heritage (Bevan Chipman or […]

Maturity For a New Era

[…] in shaping the editorial vision of Dialogue through participation on the Executive Committee and through our own writing and commissioning of work. An expertly managed fund-raising and promotion cam paign has begun, and Bob […]

Having One’s Cake and Eating It Too

[…] . I like being a woman in the Church. I feel we have untold opportunities to give service and develop abilities and talents. I need to be involved in many things to be really […]

Belle Spafford: A Sketch

[…] and Grant Stake and in 1935 was appointed to the general board.  In nearly forty years of service she has been involved in every aspect of the work, from doing research for A Centenary […]

Introductory Note

[…] novel, NIGHTFALL AT NAUVOO.  A variation on this theme is provided by Maurine Whipple’s story of the writing of THE GIANT JOSHUA, a novel about Mormon Pioneers in Southern Utah. Ms. Whipple’s comments reveal […]