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In Light

Dialogue 47.4 (W inter 2014): 89–94
The day the missionaries came to our house in 1988, a rainbow fell across the sky in our neighborhood on the hill. I stood on the ledge of the […]

The 1981 RLDS Hymnal: Songs More Brightly Sung

Dialogue 16.4 (W inter 1983): 33–42
About ten years ago the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints decided that its 1956 hymnal was already becoming out of date. An RLDS Hymnal Committee […]

Letters to the Editor

[…] roll forth and cleanse once for all and forever the terrible stigmas associated with the “Mormon” church today. To put forever to an end the outmoded image of a tottering and decadent leadership so […]

Taking Mormonism Seriously

[…] the facts, determine the conclusion, discourse between historians of differing persuasions has usually ended in acrimony and mutual distrust.  The Book of Mormon and the writings of Abraham in the Pearl of Great Price […]

Light Departure

[…] control.” He touched his chest. A sly grin creased his lips. “And I, too, have some good news. I’ve won a visa to America. Fifteen million applicants, and I was one of fifty thousand. […]

The Willows

[…] the trees and the silent shops and the empty porches and knowing there was nobody in the world except her and Will.  “Here comes McGary,” yelled the Sevy boys as they leaped from their […]

Second South

[…] the ruins. The ruins made him feel more than any other thing that he had left the world he knew. From the trolley he saw the blocks of rubble, with only halves and quarters […]

The Princess of the Pumpkin

[…] and began dressing, smoothing up her stockings, smoothing down her slip. She leaned against the door. Maybe today someone would come into the convalescent home. She reviewed the men in her past. Michael, maybe, […]