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A Reading Group

[…] the phone, locked it against my ear with my shoulder, and continued to read the already stale news. “Hello,” I said.  It was Evan Francis, first counselor in our ward bishopric.  “How are you?”  […]


Marta Pillahuel was very old. She lived in the country with her pigs on one side and her chickens on the other. Her wooden house leaned to the east and let in the weather—a […]

Pure Thin Bones

[…] she disappeared into the dining room where they could hear her calling, “And how are you Sisters today?”  “I guess you can come on back, then,” Nielsen said, leading the way down the hall.  […]

Faith, Hope, and Charity

[…] around the women; she kissed the men. She fairly danced from a crushed paper cup to a newspaper in flight.  “Faith without works is dead,” I thought, thinking I would have shared the scripture […]

Measures of Music

It came then that Sara dreamed of the flood. It had been the news for weeks, cities all along the Front sandbagging streets, sidewalks, driveways, window wells, a mudslide that made a lake over […]

Another Death

[…] immediate neighbors knew of his situation and accepted him. But those students who mattered most to him lived in fine homes in the prestigious neighborhoods on the bench. Every one of them had a […]

Sally Didn’t Sleep Here

[…] wouldn’t touch her.”  “Who’s her?”  “Whoever. My friends. My cousins. And the worst was once at c amp when five of us wanted to stay in the same cabin and instead of cots there […]

Heloise and Abelard

[…] one?  So up goes my face in defiance to the Giant, a hopeful white stone slung from among downturned heads and black umbrellas. I smile to see the strained seams of heaven’s blanket finally […]


[…] her bed. Her goal was to have colored every street in the city before she was transferred.  Today’s street was narrow and crooked; uninterrupted walls of four-story buildings lined both sides. Water pooled in […]

The Widower

[…] Time well spent. There hadn’t been much of that the last few years. Still on the s ame rung of the corporate ladder as when she died. Didn’t bother him much—hard to care about […]