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[…] personality required. God had always been a benevolent force in my life. The bad things in the world happened because of Satan.  But there sure were a lot of bad things.  What kind of […]

Feeding the Fox: A Parable

[…] Cast out of Hill town. Being “perhaps the fox” became sufficient reason to be returned into the world and company of the fox.  At one point a rabbit asked: “But if these foxes do […]


She had begun fall ing asleep at odd moments—not when she was sitting in a chair, reading a book, or anything like that—but rather when she was doing things that ordinarily kept a person […]

A Reading Group

[…] the phone, locked it against my ear with my shoulder, and continued to read the already stale news. “Hello,” I said.  It was Evan Francis, first counselor in our ward bishopric.  “How are you?”  […]

They Did Go Forth

[…] he was in “flesh and most excellent spirits,” and by the time he could get her bad news everything would be over, one way or the other.  Tildy Elizabeth lifted her head and listened. […]


[…] scriptures say there’ll be wars and plagues, but that doesn’t mean everywhere. We have AIDS, but the world keeps going on. We have terrorist attacks, but life doesn’t really change. The scriptures say the […]

Measures of Music

It came then that Sara dreamed of the flood. It had been the news for weeks, cities all along the Front sandbagging streets, sidewalks, driveways, window wells, a mudslide that made a lake over […]

Another Death

One Saturday morn ing Jimmy wondered about himself as he lay in bed instead of watching cartoons on TV or shooting baskets through the hoop under the eaves. They didn’t have a garage, but […]

Sally Didn’t Sleep Here

[…] I get up and grade papers, but it’s hard to be charitable when everyone in the whole world is asleep but me. I ought to attack the furnace room. The way we keep the […]

The Nature of Comets

[…] We’ll remove the entire grid and bring it back to the lab. Her leg is the big news: the femur, twisted like a tree split by lightning, growing along a warped track.  We need […]