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2017 Eugene England Memorial Personal Essay Contest

In the spirit of Gene’s writings, entries should relate to Latter-day Saint experience, theology, or worldview. Essays will be judged by noted Mormon authors and professors of literature. Winners will be notified by email and announced in our Winter issue and on Dialogue’s website. After the announcement, all other entrants will be free to submit their essays elsewhere.
First place, $300; second place, $200; and third place $100

A Case for Same-Sex Marriage: Reply to Randolph Muhlestein

Dialogue 40.3 (Fall 2007): 50–60

These articles were about legal arguments. The case against argued that marriage was already tenuous and allowing same-sex marriage would doom it, suggesting that people would become homosexuals if same-sex marriage were an option.

Automatic Writing and the Book of Mormon An Update

Dialogue 52.2 (Spring 2019):1–58Attributing the Book of Mormon’s origin to supernatural forces has
worked well for Joseph Smith’s believers, then as well as now, but not so
well for critics who seem certain natural abilities were responsible. For over
180 years, several secular theories have been advanced as explanations.

Max Mueller: Has the Mormon Church Truly Left Its Race Problems Behind?

Max Mueller asks “Has the Mormon Church Truly Left Its Race Problems Behind?” in The New Republic.
He begins “It’s looking more and more likely that Barack Obama will be facing Mitt Romney next November. According to recent polls, Romney’s much-debated “Mormon Problem”—considered by some to be a main roadblock to the Republican nomination in 2008—has decreased in salience among the white evangelicals on whom he’ll probably depend in both the primary and general elections. But one element of the Mormon problem that’s yet to be vetted will come into stark relief should this match-up take place: the Mormon Church’s troubling history of racial exclusion.”

Mental Illness and George Albert Smith

Cross-posted from By Common Consent
By J. Stapley
I think that the Curriculum Committee of the church missed a tremendous opportunity with the production of the manual for study this year. Most of us know someone who has struggled with mental illness. We know someone who has or have ourselves taken anti-depressants, stimulants, lithium or AAPs. It is no secret that in the past, church leaders and church members have often misunderstood mental illness. However, we live at a time when we can all safely view mental illness as a biological problem, like cancer, that needs to be treated. I think however, that many people who suffer with these issues still feel stigmatized, and some yet think that it is simply an emotional or spiritual failing.

MHA Awards Nominations: February 15th Deadline

From the Mormon History Association: The Mormon History Association will give its yearly awards for the best books, articles, dissertation, thesis, and student papers published or written on Mormon history during 2011 at its annual…

Mormon and Protestant Conference Videos

At the Crossroads, Again: Mormon and Protestant Encounters in the Nineteenth and Twenty-First Century was a conference held February 24 and 25. If you missed it live, you can still enjoy video presentations from Christopher Jones, David Campbell, David McAllister-Wilson, Eileen Guenther, Terryl Givens, Kathleen Flake, Elaine Heath, Robert Bennett, and Warner Woodworth, and more. Plus watch Dialogue Editor Kristine Haglund accompany the conference in some Mormon hymns.