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Among the Mormons: A Survey of Current Literature

The literature surveyed for this quarter’s bibliographical essay is from periodicals. Even the casual reader of this impressive list of recent works will notice that a high proportion of the reviewed literature concerns the “World Church.” From India to England, Tin Can Island to Finland, South Africa to Central America the Ensign and other journals report on the activities of the Church and present (albeit often superficially) introductions to the cultures of these lands. 

Among the Mormons: A Survey of Current Literature

If we accept the value Ms. Arbuthnot places upon books, the Mormon community is indeed rich. The editor of this column never ceases to be amazed by the quantity (and increasingly the quality) of books and periodicals directed at the Mormon audience. Among the new entrants, of which most of Dialogue’s subscribers should have received a sample issue, is Exponent II, published by Mormon Sister, Inc. of Arlington, Massachusetts. Exponent II is “A quarterly newspaper concerning Mormon women, published by Mormon Women, and of interest to Mormon women and others.”

Among the Mormons: A Survey of Current Literature

Progress implies change and for this writer the call to explore new opportunities has become more insistent in recent years. It will soon be ten years since this column appeared in the first issue of Dialogue. Ten years seems sufficient to insure a sound beginning. If there are any among our readers who wish to take up the challenge of editing this column now is the time to step forward. 

The Church as Broadcaster

The Mormon Church is a formidable broadcast institution. Through subsidiary corporations and institutions it owns sixteen radio and television stations, a sophisticated international broadcast distribution system, a Washington news bureau, a cable TV system and production and consulting divisions.

Shifts in Restoration Thought

Both of the above statements are clearly affirmations of faith, strong declarations of belief in the Restoration movement, each evolving out of presuppositions about the fundamental truth of the message delivered. Each statement, though the former probably more so than the latter, is representative; that is, numbers of Saints have shared the stated convictions. In both cases, the intention appears to be the same, to identify the church of the latter days in relation to other church organizations of its time. 

Mormonism: From Its New York Beginnings

That the handful of early Mormon converts decided to migrate from New York only nine months after their church was organized has led some scholars to suppose that the basic influence on Latter-day Saint doctrines…

The Word of Wisdom in Early Nineteenth-Century Perspective

The success of Mormonism’s “Word of Wisdom,” especially its prohibition of tobacco—in promoting Mormon health is now widely acknowledged. Mor mons have shown that they experience what medical science would predict from their lifestyle: a longevity several years greater than non-Mormons, with much less cancer and heart disease.

The Restoration and History: New Testament Christianity

[…] Jerusalem church was still predominantly, perhaps entirely, Jewish.  Paul’s letter to the Galatians, written about A.D. 53 –54, is the earliest document we have which gives concrete information about the nature of the community […]